As part of building relations and getting to know the partners of the PIONEER Alliance, representatives of the Université Gustave Eiffel from France visited the University of Žilina in Žilina (UNIZA) in Slovakia in October 2021. Université Gustave Eiffel was represented by Virginia Etienne and Claire Driessens during their visit to Slovakia. UNIZA presented its campus with a presentation of seven faculties, the UNIZA University Science Park and the UNIZA Research Centre. The aim of the visit was to connect universities and their campuses, deepen partnerships and get new contacts.

The University of Žilina in Žilina is one of the leading educational and research institutions in Slovakia for more than sixty-five years, and currently educates almost 8,000 students at its seven faculties in a total of 182 accredited study programmes. Partners of the PIONEER Alliance have a strong ambition to continue to grow dynamically, provide quality education, educate prepared and wanted graduates, develop international cooperation in science and education, but its great aim is to provide space and opportunities for the young generation to learn new, broaden horizons, learning cooperation, the art of communication and mutual respect. For these reasons, UNIZA is involved in the PIONEER Alliance, which aims to meet the current and future needs of cities and citizens, and the project members are committed to support European values, human dignity, freedom and democracy (Lisbon Treaty) and respond to society’s needs.

During the foreign visit, there was a presentation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technolog y, which presented selected laboratories, and colleagues from the faculty also presented the practical examples of research results which was very interesting for Université Gustave Eiffel colleagues.