Course level: A1.1

Learning objective :
The online course aims at preparing you for your study-abroad program in France! You will gain basic knowledge in French language, from the A0 level to the A1.1 level, in 24 hours of classes over 8 weeks.

CEFRL* A0 level of the student at the beginning of the course:
no knowledge of French language.

General descriptor of the target CEFRL* A1 level – to be reached by the student upon completion of two semesters :

“The learner can understand and use familiar daily  expressions and very basic phrases whose goal is to satisfy all practical needs. They can introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have. They can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.”

*CEFRL : Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Philippe AL TABARA []
Yannick TREGUER []

Class Meeting Times : Wednesday, 12:30-2 p.m. (Paris time), on Zoom.

Number of ECTS credits received (if applicable) : 5
Number of hours: 24 hours [8 weekly sessions of three hours: 1.5-hour Zoom class +  1.5-hour asynchronous language practice on the Moodle learning platform].

Course session: 8 sessions, from Wednesday, April 6 to Wednesday, May 25, 2022 (included).
No class on Wednesday, May 4.

Final exam: Wednesday, May 11th, 2022

Assessment overview:

Continuous assessment (50% of the final grade)

Continuous assessment will take different forms: written tests, homework assignments, participation in class, presentations, etc.

Final exam (50% of the final grade)

The final exam will be a written test. It will assess the acquisition of the target language level at the end of the course.

Following the validation of the course, students will receive a certificate of achievement stating their level of French and their final grade, along with the number of ECTS credits that will be received –  if applicable. In the event of failure, a makeup exam is offered at the end of the semester.

Registration to the Online Course:
To register for the French Online Course for Complete Beginners, please fill in the online form by clicking here: 

Deadline: April 4

Contact for administrative questions:
Service des Relations Internationales (SRI), Pôle Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) / Center for French as a Foreign Language.
Phone: +33 (0)1 71 40 81 80 – Email:

Address : Maison de l’Etudiant, Campus de Marne-la-Vallée, 5 Boulevard Descartes
• Champs-sur-Marne • F-77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2 • FRANCE

Contact for your academic questions:

Mr. Yannick Tréguer,
Academic Coordinator of the Center for French as A Foreign Language
Email :

Course Outline

Week Pragmatic Goals


1 – Identifying a language

– Introducing oneself (1)

– Learning about someone’s identity








Continuous assessment


Skills assessed:


Oral Comprehension

Written Comprehension  Speaking



+ Grammar

2 – Counting

– Communicating in class


3 – Greeting, Taking leave

– Introducing oneself (2)

– Asking /providing personal information (1)


4 – Asking politely

– Asking / providing personal information (2)

– Asking for the price of something


5 – Giving personal information (3)

– Talking about one’s passions and dreams

– Situating France and its neighboring countries in Europe


6 – Naming and locating places in a city

– Speaking about one’s town

– Asking / giving explanations


7 – Finding out about accomodation

– Booking accomodation

– Thanking / answering to a thank-you


8 Final exam


Université Gustave Eiffel

International Relations Office
Center For French as a Foreign Language